Do they realize all of your money is earned through hard work?
Here’s how to make sure your kids – at any age level – understand this concept.
This month’s goal: Teach your children that money for purchases, whether it’s paid through cash or a card, is earned through hard work.
Pointers to cover:
- Money is earned through work.
- Every dollar spent is time you spend working.
- Any method used to pay for purchases comes from the same source.
Conversation Starters
Kids under age 9:
- What do you think mom/dad does all day at their job?
- We work to do what our bosses want and need. How do you think our bosses reward us?
- When we spend money for pizza, groceries, toys or movies, where do you think that money is coming from?
- This is mom/dad’s paycheck from work. When we give it to [credit union], we have money to spend. Why do you think we put the paycheck in our account at [credit union]?
- When I swipe my credit/debit card, how does that pay the store owner? Where is the money coming from?
Kids over age 9:
- Why do you think people work?
- Do you think people who work harder for their money spend it more carefully?
- Would you still want that (article of clothing/toy/gadget) if you had to work for it?
- If you had the choice to work 16-hour days for double the salary of an 8-hour day, would you take it? Why or why not?