Loan Protection Services
Get Piece of Mind with TVACCU
Loan Protection
Credit Life Insurance – Death, unfortunately, is part of life. Even though it is not something we like to talk about, taking care of our loved ones is. That is why TVA Community Credit Union offers credit life insurance. This insurance will cover the insured portion of your loan balance and give your family the peace of mind they deserve.
Credit Disability Insurance – Accidents happen. Credit disability insurance is a way to make sure your loan payments are made in a timely manner in case you miss work due to disability.
GAP – Make sure you’re covered from the moment you finance your auto loan with GAP. GAP helps cover the difference in the amount owed on an auto or boat loan balance and the actual cash vale of the vehicle paid by the primary insurance when a total loss or theft occurs.
Here’s how it works: Let’s say after one year, the vehicle you purchased for $25,000 is valued at just $16,000. You still owe $21,000 when it is stolen and never recovered or is involved in an accident in which it is damaged beyond repair. Most insurance policies will only reimburse you for the value of your vehicle, $16,000, leaving you to repay the remaining loan balance of $5000. GAP takes care of that $5000 for you, including your insurance policy deductible, up to $1,000.
Mechanical Repair Contracts – Are you prepared for a mechanical breakdown with your vehicle? Do you have the money necessary to pay for the rising cost of repairs? If you answered “no” to either of these questions, then a Route 66 Extended Warranty is an intelligent investment to ensure that you are covered in the event a mechanical breakdown does occur.
A Route 66 Extended Warranty protects your investment from expensive mechanical breakdowns, and offers 24/7/365 Roadside Service, rental car benefits, a 30-day money back guarantee, nationwide coverage, and is fully transferable. The Route 66 Extended Warranty is the most comprehensive coverage available and provides coverage for virtually any make and model of automobile. With Route 66 Extended Warranty’s Open Enrollment, you don’t have to buy your warranty at the time of purchase. You can buy any time! Route 66 Extended Warranty has a plan to fit your vehicle.